The Redcut Report Processor is an Excel file that can process data from a report file generated by the DC Change Mat plugin. He puts them in order, distributing panels and hardware into the appropriate tabs and lists. At the same time, Redcut has a functionality that allows you to make some changes and adjustments for more accurate detailing and estimates. In this article, we will consider all aspects of this file, which is extremely useful for any furniture maker.
Important information:
The Redcut file does not fully work on MacOS.
For the Redcut file to work correctly, your version of Excel must be at least 2013.
Loading a report file
By running the Redcut file, you will immediately be taken to the first tab "Upload". There are only two buttons here - "Upload" and "Clear". Clicking on the first button opens a window where you can find the previously generated report file and upload it to Redcut.

You can upload multiple files one at a time. The lists will be placed one below the other. Remember about line limits for each type of material. Exceeding these limits is fraught with the loss of data that did not fit in the lists.
The second button completely clears the "Downloads" tab from all uploaded lists.
The upload time of the report file depends on its size and on the power of your PC. This usually takes a few seconds. As soon as the list appears, then all the data has already been loaded.
Editor tab
A tab in which you can filter the uploaded data by one or more criteria in order to find the necessary positions and correct them.

All filtering occurs through the cells highlighted in yellow. They need to enter the desired text. Each cell corresponds to the column in which it is located and will search in it. This way you can set multiple search criteria. For example, you need to find all panels with the type "Chipboard", painted in texture H1313. To do this, enter LDSP into the yellow cell above the "Type" column, and enter H1313 into the cell above the "Material" column. After that, the program will find all possible matches by both criteria at once.
Also here you can adjust all the input data. If there was some mistake in the project, then you can (and even need to) fix it here. To do this, simply change the value that contains the error to the one you need. After that, in all the following Redcut tabs, this value will be corrected.
The main thing to remember is that after such an adjustment, do not reuse this Redcut file. Take a new, clean file, because. when editing cells, the formula in it is lost and the following list will be displayed incorrectly.
Options tab
A tab in which you can change the global parameters of the Redcut report processor. The current version of the report processor and the minimum version of the EasyKitchen library it supports are listed at the top of this tab.

Translation to other language
Most Redcut text data can be translated into English or another language. This is done in the "Options" tab. To do this, you can use the "Language Selection" option. On the right side of this tab there is a "Dictionary" table. It contains all the titles used in this file and their translation into English. If you want to use another language, then you need to add the translation of the titles in the third column of this table.
It is important to remember that after switching the language to another, you need to switch the calculation method and currency so that they are also translated. Otherwise there will be errors.
Changing the language does not change the data that was loaded into Redcut. They remain in their original language.
Currency selection
"Method of calculation" - this option allows you to choose how the cost will be calculated. There are 2 options:
- Regarding the Euro exchange rate - the price in Euro will be taken and converted into the current currency based on the exchange rate set in the options.
- In the price list currency - the price specified directly in the pricelist file will be taken.
If the calculation method works in the "Relative to the Euro" mode, then you need to select the currency with which you work. If it is not in the list, you can use any other currency by entering it instead of the "Custom currency" item.
Next to the list of currencies, there is an additional parameter that sets the number of decimal places after the decimal point in the prices and amounts of the "Estimate" tab.
The price lists indicate two prices for each item - in the current currency and in Euro:

The last point is to correct the exchange rate for the current one if you plan to make calculations based on the Euro exchange rate.
Exchange rates are static. They need to be changed manually. This is due to the fact that everyone has different versions of Excel and we cannot organize a universal download of data from the Internet for all versions. In addition, the structure of sites from which you can take data on exchange rates changes regularly and this function in Excel will "break" every time.
There are a few more options in the Options tab:
- "Lines for manual entry" - show or hide lines for manual entry in the estimate after hiding empty lines.
- "Edge parameters" - are responsible for matching the thickness of the panels to the width of the edge.
- "Sheet size" - a list of sheet material sizes and their quadrature. Used in estimates to adjust or change prices.
- "Dimensions of countertops" - a list with typical dimensions of countertops in width (depth). It is used in the estimate for various types of calculation of the price of countertops.
- "Glass dimensions" - a list of sheet glass sizes and its quadrature. Used in estimates to adjust or change prices.
- "Glass processing" - a list of glass processing names.
- "Option names" - if you do not like the names of some options used in the report processor, you can change them here (then you need to go through all the tabs and change all the drop-down lists, choosing a new default item).
Chipboard tab
For greater clarity, we uploaded a test report file to Redcut. The Chipboard tab with the loaded data will look something like this:

On the left side there is a complete list without concatenation (combining) of all project details that have the Chipboard type. Pay attention to the columns with the heading "Options for nesting". Here you can make adjustments to the dimensions of the parts and their thickness. There are three options for this:
- The "Merge" option allows you to split a thick panel into two thin ones. This is useful if you plan on gluing two panels together to achieve the desired thickness. For example, in the list there is a panel with a thickness of 32mm. It will be glued from two panels of 16mm thickness. We change the gluing parameter in the corresponding line from "No" to "Yes" and instead of one part of 32mm thickness, there will be two of them 16mm each. In this case, the edge width will remain the same as intended for 32mm thickness (ie 36mm in this case).
- The "Pre-Jointing" parameter allows you to take into account the jointing of parts before applying the edge. Here you just need to set the value of the layer to be removed in millimeters. Accordingly, the dimensions of the parts will change.
- The "Edge" parameter allows you to consider or ignore the edge on the parts. If set to "Consider", then the size of the parts is reduced by the thickness of the edges on the corresponding sides. In the second case, the edge on the parts is not taken into account. A useful feature if you are using a 0.4mm edge where there is little need to resize parts.
After the columns with the parameters are the dimensions of the parts, their thickness, quantity, edge and quadrature. The dimensions of the parts are underlined according to the edge. One underline - the edge is applied on one side along the given dimension. Two underlines - an edge on two parallel sides.
The values in the edge columns indicate the thickness of the edge.
For more information, the headings of the columns "Quantity" and "Quadrature" indicate the total amount of data included in these columns.
Further, in the right part of the table there are columns called "Clean cutting". Here, all the details from the left list are concatenated. Parts of the same color, size and thickness are summed up, forming a list convenient for cutting. This list is dynamic - it can change, depending on the changes made in the left part of the Chipboard tab.
MDF tab
This tab is no different from the Chipboard tab. This includes all the details of the project, having the type "MDF". They are processed in the same way as chipboard.
This tab differs from the two previous ones only in that there is no edge and all the parameters associated with it. This includes all project details that have the "HDF" type.

Countertop tab
This includes all parts of the project that have the Countertop type. Otherwise, there are no differences from the Chipboard and MDF tabs.

Door system tab
This includes all details of the project that have the type "Door system". The tab is intended for doors and elements that are calculated not by square, moldings or sheets, but by pieces. For example, ready-made doors that have their own fixed dimensional grid. There is no edge here and all the parameters associated with it. Pure list concatenation takes more parameters into account. In particular, the part number also gets here.
Glass tab
This tab is no different from the Chipboard and MDF tabs. This includes all parts of the project that have the type "Glass". The edge is also taken into account here, but other types of end processing are implied:
- Grinding
- Polishing
- Facet
Molding tab
This includes all project details that have the Molding type. Concatenation combines the footage of positions that have the same article and material.

Hardware tab
This includes all parts of the project that have the "Hardware" type. Concatenation combines positions that have the same article number, material, and size of positions.

Drilling & milling tab
So far, this is a test tab that generates a complete list of all drilling & millings added to the project, indicating all its parameters.
Estimate tab
The final tab that combines all the data from other tabs:

Here all lists are summarized by the number of parts, quadrature, footage or whips. These settings can be changed. For example, one or another chipboard material can be considered sheets or quadrature. The number of sheets in the estimate is indicated indicative, since only pure quadrature is taken into account, without laying out parts for a cut. You can increase the squaring of the material by changing the allowance percentage. Usually 10-20% of the allowance is enough for almost 100% coincidence of the estimated number of sheets with the actual one.
Moldings can be considered whips or footage. All data for this is taken from the corresponding price lists. You can change the prices, the square of the sheets and the length of the whips in the tabs of the price file. The estimate will automatically recalculate all the data.
There are four functional buttons in the "Estimate" tab:
- "Hide empty" - hides all empty lines. A very handy feature that allows you to significantly reduce the list of estimates, leaving only filled lines.
- "Show all" - displays all previously hidden rows.
- "Client mode" - hides columns with base prices and parameters that the client should not see and displays additional columns that already contain totals.
- "Manager mode" - displays all columns, except for the amounts for customers (which already correspond to the totals in the manager mode).
This is what "Client Mode" looks like with hidden empty lines:

At the very end of the estimate table is the "Total cost" block, which shows the total amounts for materials, edges, fittings, etc. In the same place, the percentage of cheating and the percentage of work are adjusted. Starting with Redcut 4.2.0, this block has an additional functionality that checks the entire estimate for errors so that you do not forget anything.

In the Redcut file, starting from version 4.0.0, two additional columns appeared in the estimate, with the help of which you can manually change or add the price for any item, even if the "Not in the price" error appears.
Working with price lists
In previous versions of Redcut, after the "Estimate" tab, there were price lists that already contained some items related to the EasyKitchen library. When any position was included in the estimate, the processor first of all looked for a match in one of the price lists. When an exact match was found for the compound article, he took data from this line and inserted it into the estimate, or performed calculations and only then sent it to the estimate. If the match was not in the price list, it was immediately visible in the estimate, because the corresponding line had the inscription "Not in the price list" highlighted in red. In this case, it was necessary to add a record with the necessary data to the corresponding price list, or specify the price manually in a special cell in the estimate.
In Redcut version 4.2.0, the principle of operation has not changed, but all price lists have been moved to a separate pricelist. This will allow Redcut to be updated separately from price lists. This way your price lists will remain the same regardless of Redcut updates.
Redcut does not require opening the pricelist. The data will be pulled automatically from the closed file.
Remember about restrictions. Price lists have restrictions on the length of the list. The restriction is indicated in the header of the price list. Exceeding these limits will result in the handler not finding a match. If you need a longer list, write to us and we will increase the limits.
There is also a separate manual price list. In it, you can create your own list of accessories that do not fall into any other price list. The data from it is automatically pulled into a separate block of the estimate, called "Manual List". By clicking on the "Article" line in this block, you will open the list, where all the accessories specified in the manual price list will be located. Select the desired item and enter the quantity. The price will be added automatically.