To start marking an edge, you need to turn on its display. To do this, in the layers, uncheck the item "Display Ends" and put a tick on the item "Display Edge". Thus, the ends of the panels are hidden, and a dynamic edge appears in their place:

Further, there are two ways to mark the edge:
The first way - dynamic clicking on the ends of the panel allows you to switch the edge mode. To do this, you need to use the SketchUp tool called "Interaction with dynamic components".
When you click on the ends, they change their color. There are 4 edge states in total:
- White - no edge;
- Green - the end is rolled up with a 0.4mm edge;
- Yellow - the end is rolled up with a 1mm edge;
- Red - the end is rolled up with a 2mm edge.
When a panel texture is rotated, the assigned edge stays in the same places without moving behind the texture.

The second way is to set the edge through parameters. To activate this mode, you need to switch the "Edge marking" parameter to the corresponding item. After that, you can use the following options for marking the edge:
- Edge L1 - the parameter allows you to choose which edge will be rolled up the end L1;
- Edge L2 - the parameter allows you to choose which edge will be rolled up the end L2;
- Edge W1 - the parameter allows you to choose which edge will be used to roll up the end W1;
- Edge W2 - the parameter allows you to select which edge will be rolled up the end W2.
When the panel texture is rotated, the edge assigned through the parameters follows the end to which it is attached, moving along with the texture.
Also, when specifying an edge through parameters, it is possible to roll all the ends at once with one type of edge (see the rest of the "Edge marking" parameter)
The colors used to indicate the edge are the same as in the first method.

Remember that the marking of the edge is saved in each mode differently. That is, if you marked the edge in manual mode by clicking on the ends, then when you switch to the edge marking mode through the parameters, the markup that you specified in this mode will be restored. When you return to manual mode, the edge marked in manual mode will be restored.